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Learn how to move your spine with watery ease while building daily movement habits that support movement longevity and self-expression.

Caution: After the Spinal Flow Upgrade you may be more likely to move in public and enjoy it.  Do Not Register if you like being Stiff and Sour. 

"Helped me utilize parts of my spine I didn't know I even had!"

Don't just take my word for it, hear what movement teacher Jane Fish had to say about the Spinal Flow Upgrade...

I felt like I already had a pretty decent understanding (at least from a felt sense) perspective of spinal movement and had access to it. It turns out, that was only the tip of the iceberg. The amount of new information helped me understand and utilize parts of my spine I didn't know I even had!!! Totally shifted my perspective and awareness of my spinal movement This was an incredible experience from top to bottom. I am having so much enjoyment and satisfaction moving my spine. Thank you so so much!

Not everyone is ready to break free of predictable, linear movement patterns...

But since you found your way to this page, you seem like the type who's ready to shake off the familiar-- and enter the territory of, 'WHOA, What am I even experiencing right now?! This Feels Amazing!'

If you've ever thought: 

'I look stiff  and predictable when I move...but I don't know how to change it...'


'I like the idea of moving fluidly, but I don't seem to practice it on my own...'

The Spinal Flow Upgrade is calling your name.

As a member of The Spinal Flow Upgrade, you're going to:

🔎Learn to sense and articulate your spine in detail (waves, circles, and spirals, Oh My.)

👍Improve your ability to access your trunk  musculature (aka core control)

🥳Develop a daily practice you actually want to do to (#winning)

🤸🏽‍♂️Loosen up, release long-held tensions, and shed limitations. (Party Time!)

When you register, you'll get nine weeks' worth of lessons and weekly training programs, to help you access organic move-ability, creativity, and flow--in just minutes a day. 

I can't wait to see you get FREE. 

Whether you want your body to be free enough to dance, open enough to express your truth... or you just want to look less log-like while you move...

The Spinal Flow Upgrade Method:


    Learn how to move one part of your spine without moving other parts. (This often-overlooked skill is fundamental to spinal health, fluid movement, and creative range.)


    Improve spinal movement patterns through the use of tension-releasing techniques, kinetic energy experiences, and potent mental imagery.


    Work with easy-to-understand creative frameworks that expand your working range and danceability. (What you can imagine determines what you can do).

How would you like to be moving 2 years from now? 10 years? 20 years?

Don't settle for 'well'. Make the kids jealous with your liquid spine.

Come and get these waves, circles, spirals, and sways!

What the Spinal Flow Graduates Have to say...

Worth every Canadian exchange extra dollar and then some!"

Hear what Jmat had to say about the Spinal Flow Experience

"I love love love your cues and visualizations. Sweeping of tables with our circles and waves and slides...polishing walls...opening portals...drawing circles....I can see it...the way you describe leading with ribs and where to look...I friggin loved everything!!! A heartfelt thank you for your time and expertise. I will be using these recordings daily to start my morning with movement. Worth every Canadian exchange extra dollar and then some!"

Hear what Jennifer S. felt about the course:

...The way you approach your craft and your students is far beyond any other teacher that I’ve ever experienced, you really do take the time and the care to go above and beyond just holding a class. You find ways to answer things that apply to all different kinds of bodies, of all ages and all ranges of motion and skill level. It’s quite impressive..The way you present information is quite detailed and very easy to follow"

And what Heather L. Thought...

I started looking for moments to move around several times each day. I started to feel a little more range of motion in my upper back, and for the first time felt some connection to my lower back. I also felt safe in a bigger range of motion in my neck. Am

Bonus Goodies

Enjoy these additional bonuses to support your Spinal Flow

  • Audio Guided Walks

    Postural flow lessons to do while walking?Yes! These unique experiences will help you apply what we do in class in the most functional way possible.

  • Audio Guided Floor Movement

    Get your eyes off the screen, lie down on the floor, and let this audio journey connect your with your wateriest floor movement.

  • Habit Formation Guide

    Identify why you never seem to follow through with the movement goals you set for yourself and make an impossible-not-to-do plan for improving your spinal movement.

Let's be honest...

If you want to prevent injuries and move well long-term, you can’t continue sitting for hours at a time and then, on only some days, push yourself to "practice" or "workout." 

For baseline movement health, multiple-times-a-day movement breaks are a Must.

The Spinal Flow Upgrade Practices are all "no warm-up needed" practices. They are things you can do anytime to shift your movement ad tension patterns.

While some people get up and dance it out for five minutes when they start to feel achy--that is not most people. 

If "free-moving" is not (yet) in your realm of comfort, but you are intrigued by spinal waves and want to take better care of yourself, this workshop might just be the jumpstart you need.

👆🏼My name is Marlo Fisken and I'm on a mission to help you take more satisfying, pleasurable, and nourishing movement breaks. I'm condensing the most potent all-levels practices that I've learned in thirty years of dance and movement study into this course.


Have a look below...

  • I've never done this before, and I think I'm too stiff to dance. Will this be too advanced for me?

    Nope! This course is designed with beginners in mind. A little bit. Mostly, this is a course in sensing, assessing, and controlling spinal movement. After working on our fundamental movement ability, you will learn how to add some spice and musicality to the basic recipe for healthy spines. 

  • How long do I get to keep the videos?

    As long as you like. Your videos will live on the Thinkific course page and can be accessed at any time. 

  • I don't know how to "engage my core," will this help me?

    Probably, yes. A healthy core is not rigid--it is supple and able to stiffen reflexively when necessary to create stability. As your spinal movement improves, you will likely find improvements in your ability to engage your trunk musculature too.

  • What makes the Spinal Flow Upgrade different from Mobility Classes?

    There are plenty of great mobility classes out there that will help you improve spinal articulation.  But the classes themselves generally don't invite you to apply the newly-accessed Range of Motion to things like guided improvisation, intuitive movement, skill-building.  In the Spinal Flow Upgrade, you will learn to apply your newfound control to MUSICALITY and CREATIVITY--right away. 

  • My funds are limited, but I really want to join. Is there an option for me?

    Scroll down to apply for a Diversity, Equity + Inclusivity scholarship or ask for a sliding scale rate for the

  • How much space do I need?

    The Spinal Flow Upgrade works well in small spaces. Though some classes will ask you to walk around your space, there is minimal floor work in this program.

  • Are classes all pre-recorded?

    Yes. All materials are pre-recorded from a live version of this course.

  • If I need help can I write you?

    Yes! I love it when people send me videos of what they are working on so I can offer tips to help clarify and take you to the next level.

  • What is your refund policy?

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